Teaching Research Methods in an Internet-Based Blended-Learning Setting

TitleTeaching Research Methods in an Internet-Based Blended-Learning Setting
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsSchober, Barbara, Petra Wagner, Ralph Reimann, Moira Atria, and Christiane Spiel
AbstractThis article gives a survey of a blended learning approach called Vienna E-Lecturing (VEL), implemented in the course Research Methods and Evaluation, which is required by the psychology program at the University of Vienna, Austria. VEL replaces a main lecture and has been designed to teach methodological issues more effectively as well as to strengthen students' learning competences in this field. The program's conceptualization is based on instructional and motivational findings yielding the program's two main teaching principles: (1) networking and (2) optimal instructions. The Internet-based course lasts two semesters and is composed of 10 online learning modules and 11 face-to-face meetings (including tutorials). The modules, which are available successively via a learning platform, systematically instruct students to learn more effectively by cooperating and fulfilling different tasks within small groups.The current article describes the program's principles and theoretical background and outlines the 10 online modules. In addition, some module examples are given for illustration.