If yes, explain (Q6a - Spring2020)





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Contributed date

April 7, 2021 - 5:40am

Critical Commentary

This chart shows the results of Question #6a, which asked: “If yes, explain.” There were no pre-structured answers for this question. 

The responses were categorized as follows: 

  • Pandemic is specifically cited as a reason; 

  • They themselves moved back home or their roommates did; 

  • Living with more people;

  • Living with fewer people;

  • Changed household but not number of people; 

  • Moving back and forth between places;

  • Temporary housing or situation; 

A total of 33 respondents answered this question. In the information collected:

  • 4 respondents specifically cited the pandemic as one of the reasons they moved;
  • 10 respondents said they themselves moved back home or their roommates did;
  • 8 respondents said they found themselves living with more people as the situation evolved;
  • 6 respondents said they were living with less people as people as roommates moved out of their residences;
  • 3 respondents said that, even when they changed house (because they moved back home or moved in with partners), the number of people in their homes did not change);
  • 1 respondent said they were moving back and forth between places with their family members; and
  • 2 respondents said they were experiencing a change in the composition of people due to rent or other housing-related issues. 

The data was produced by the Shifting Energy Demands in COVID-19 Survey - Overview, which was administered to 86 people over a six week period in May-June 2020. Visit the Shifting Energy Demands in COVID-19 - Survey Results page to view more data from our survey. The project is approved by Drexel’s IRB.

Cite as

Anonymous, " If yes, explain (Q6a - Spring2020)", contributed by Briana Leone and Alison Kenner, The Energy Rights Project, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 7 April 2021, accessed 23 July 2024. https://energyrights.info/content/if-yes-explain-q6a-spring2020