This artifact, created by the Philadelphia Water Department, is an explanation for the general public regarding PWD's settlement for the proposed rate increase (2021).
Along with lowering the proposed rate increase, the Public Advocate also propose a series of agreements related to...Read more
This artifact is the settlement agreement that PWD and Public Advocate reached, which is awaiting review by the Philadelphia Water Rate Board, which is the independent review board which sets PWD's rates. Along with lowering the proposed rate increase (to 10.2% for residential customers), the...Read more
This article highlights a proposed water and sewer rate increase for Pennsylvania customers.Read more
This artifact is the advance notification of rate filing to the Philadelphia Water, Sewer and StormWater Rate Board and the advance notification of rate filing to the Philadelphia City Council by the Water Commissioner in Philadelphia. These notifications are letters to the stakeholders...Read more
On September 1st, 2021, Philadelphians will begin to receive water bills that reflect a 3.6% rate increase, as Philadelphia's 2021 water rate case has been approved by the PUC. Over two years, the rate will increase by 10.3% for residential customers. The water rate increase in Philadelphia is...Read more
The Philadelphia Water Department (PWD) filed a request for a rate change in January 2021 seeking additional revenue to meet expenses in Fiscal Years 2022 and 2023. In early May 2021, PWD and the Public Advocate reached a potential settlement, which...Read more