United States

IREC’s Clean Energy Consumer Bill of Rights

Based on reactions from the COVID-19 survey, specifically the question regarding energy rights, I was curious to see what the discussion was around them, I was intrigued to find an organization I had never heard of the IREC (Interstate Renewable Energy Council) and their proposed Renewable...Read more

Caught in a patchwork of policies and pledges, some utility customers may still be awaiting electricity restoration or racking up fees

This article reports on the state of disconnections across the United States in March 2020. One of the major points of the article is that, although many states have suspended utility shut-offs during the pandemic (sometimes for an unspecified length of time) there is little data on whether...Read more

Utility shutoffs should be a rallying cry for justice

In much a continued theme throughout the pandemic, utility shutoffs threaten and have negatively impacted many families across the United States. Without any jobs or assistance to pay for high energy bills, which continue to pile on as we are inevitably forced to stay inside, many families face...Read more

LIHEAP Clearinghouse - History of LIHEAP

The document here presented gives an overview of the policies and programs that have eventually molded into what we know today as LIHEAP. That said, despite its brevity, the document provides viewers with key dates and events that have led Departments of the Government, such as the Energy...Read more

Secretary of Energy Signs Order to Mitigate Security Risks to the Nation's Electric Grid

This article discusses an order that has recently come to the table, as issued by Dan Brouilette. The notices of the order will be communicated to the utility by January 16, 2021. The order is meant to increase energy security on the United States' energy grids. Given the recent downturn in...Read more

What Biden executive orders could mean for the energy sector

This order discusses the, so-labeled, aggressive climate policies Biden plans to implement once he ascends to the Presidency. That said, discussions of executive orders to be implemented include orders to reduce fossil fuel production (with heavy taxation on gas and oil extractors, producers,...Read more

Department of Energy Releases Energy Storage Grand Challenge Roadmap

Hand in hand with the order released on December 16th, the finalized energy storage plans are part of the United States' attempt to secure energy supply for the nation. In an effort to remain competitive in the energy market, the United States is trying to find innovative ways to both produce...Read more

New report finds Texas utility-scale solar growth may push remaining coal plants into retirement

This article talks about the vulnerability of coal plants across the country. An energy generation market powered by Electricity Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) is set to be at risk by 2022, coal fleet is now going to be down by October. The viable option seen by many in the south is to...Read more

Vulnerable Census Tracts

Map showing the most vulnerable Census Tracts in the area of Los Angeles, i.e. the areas most vulnerable to heat.Read more

Defining, measuring and ranking energy vulnerability

This article was one of the first few I read to understand ‘Energy Vulnerability’ before the course started. Ever since, thanks to the invaluable contributions in this course, from the class readings, the class discussions, the guest lectures and the class project, I definitely feel I have come...Read more

Renewable Energy Is Suddenly Startlingly Cheap

This article provides a great overview of the changes and transitions in energy that are being witnessed at the moment and that have made more than significant advances in the last three years. A non-profit, environmentalist agency (Carbon Tracker) has documented the steady decrease in prices...Read more

The biggest energy challenges facing humanity

The title of this article mentions challenges but as I read through, I realized that it is also providing some solutions at a global level on the energy crisis. The article claims that energy demands will go by 50% by 2040 with the largest requirement for cooling / air conditioning. Rising...Read more

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