RGGI will reduce carbon emissions and bring millions to Pennsylvania. This shouldn’t be a fight. | Editorial

This article was shared by Governor Wolf and is advoacting for Pennsylvania joining RGGI. It is part of my RGGI PECE essay.Read more

Proposal to join regional cap-and-trade program draws 13,000 comments

This article simply gives an update on the PA proposal to join the regional cap and trade program, also known as RGGI. The Department of Environmental Protection received more than 13,000 comments. The Wolf administration hopes to join RGGI in 2022. PA is the only state in the region that has...Read more

Public comment period opens for draft RGGI rule

This article discusses the opening of the public comment period for a draft for Pennsylvania to join RGGIRead more

Pa. governor pushes back RGGI proposal deadline to September

This is a piece that is part of my RGGI PECE essay. In it, the author discusses governor Wolf delaying the deadline for a proposal to join RGGI from June to SeptemberRead more

Public Comment Overwhelmingly Supports RGGI Proposal

This talks about the public comments made at virtual public hearings and how they overhwelmingly suported joining RGGIRead more

Proposal to join regional cap-and-trade program draws 13,000 comments

This article discusses the RGGI proposal drawing in 13,000 commentsRead more

Board Approves RGGI Rule, Moving Pa. a Step Closer to Joining Carbon Emissions Program

The Environmental Quality Board voted 15-4 Tuesday to adopt the final regulation that would have Pennsylvania join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, a cap-and-trade program that targets carbon dioxide emissions in the power sector. The new rule is now headed to an independent regulatory...Read more


This is the page on RGGI's website that shows the compliance periods. It is part of my RGGI PECE essay.Read more

Program Design Archive

This is about how RGGI is designed.Read more

Senate Moves New Bill to Keep Pa. out of RGGI without General Assembly’s OK

This article is about a bill attempting to prevent Pennsylvania from joining RGGI without the house's vote.Read more

Groups urge bigger targets, more equity as RGGI states consider changes

This article describes the current review of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, which participating states undertake every few years. The current review will take place throughout 2022, with new rules set in the fall. The article highlights calls from environmental advocates to set more...Read more

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