Public Utility Commission

Utility Shutoffs Allowed with Restrictions by Pennsylvania Public Utilities Commission

This article released by the Philadelphia Energy Authority is actually dated to this past November 2020, when the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission decided utilities could resume shutting off customers who did not pay their utility bills. With the November provisions, utilities were allowed...Read more

PUC Issues Aqua/Peoples Gas Audit Report & Implementation Plan

To reduce costs offloaded on consumers, Pennsylvania's PUC called for several cost-saving measures from gas, water, and wastewater utilities Aqua PA and People's Gas. The hopes are to save over $400,000 dollars in expenses for the utilities, which would ultimately be 'saved' by utility consumers...Read more

Deadlocked Pa. panel rejects Peco proposal for COVID-19 bill relief for low-income customers

Pennsylvania's Public Utility Commission rejected a proposal to give 113,000 PECO households a one-time $50 dollar credit on their bills. This request was submitted by PECO to the PUC, who deadlocked on the decision and ended up rejecting it. This proposal would have also directed $1.5 million...Read more

Millions of Americans Can't Afford Water, as Bills Rise 80% in a Decade

This artifact synthesizes research conducted and published by the Guardian US and co-published by Consumer Reports as apart of their ongoing investigation into the Water Crisis in America. After analyzing 12 diverse cities in the United States, it's been found that the combined price of water...Read more

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