News article

Additional LIHEAP funding urged for struggling families as Senate considers more COVID-19 relief

Proponents are advocating for a new round of federal funding for LIHEAP on account of the economic downturn that the nation faces due to COVID-19. They state that around $4.3 billion of funding is needed to protect struggling consumers in the coming months when utility shut-off moratoria...Read more

Could ConEd and PSEG Long Island be replaced?

Public Service Commission of New York is looking to revoke some utilities' licenses to operate. It had only done so once in the past. This comes from the Commission's belief utilities underestimated the storm Isaias and its potential impacts, threatening the lives of many. However, while Cuomo...Read more

NYC Is More Addicted To Fossil Fuels Than Ever. Now It May Make Solar Harder To Build.

This article discusses ways in which NYC has lost its potential for renewable energy production after their nuclear power plant shut down and the hydro-electric pipeline project was a flop. The city doesn't have the space to invest and create renewable energy plants. However, one option would be...Read more

Utilities Propose First Regional Grid-Balancing Market in Southeastern US

Duke Energy, Dominion, and Southern Company all plan to trade electricity across state, which would make energy costs lower. This plan would also improve reliance on non-carbon-emitting power sources. The article goes into more details about the way energy is distributed across the United States...Read more

Clean energy programs can help address some racial disparities, advocates say

This article gives a broad overview of energy efficiency landscapes as particularly analyzed in Ohio and in relation to WAP retrofits. Budget cuts, as performed more recently, and the pandemic have halted the progressiveness of the program, but there continues to be an effort to continue the...Read more

Without action on climate change, heat is projected to become major global killer

This article talks about several studies documenting the impacts we are going to face if we do not address extreme heat now. That said, projections show that, without any measures taken to address extreme heat, climate change will increase annual deaths by heat that are comparable to annual...Read more

Connecticut needs to make big changes in ‘who does what’ in the electric power industry

Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) Chair Gillet said she is not interested in utilities' excuses in not providing reliable service. Eversource has to deal with electricity service and other services it provides, many calling it a monopoly of services. In a 2018 grid-...Read more


This artifacts highlights Ghana’s plan to tap into her offshore potential. Currently, the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation has designated 2 blocks in the Voltain Basin in which it will assume exploration activities. This is going to be done in collaboration with international agencies in...Read more

Energy sector going through reforms for better service

“Energy Minister John Peter Amewu has noted that the energy sector of the Ghanaian economy is going through reforms in order to perform optimally under internationally best practice, build and improve the capacity of the various players and also to strengthen private sector...Read more

After three decades, most polluted U.S. neighborhoods haven't changed

This article reflects on the disparate levels of air pollution faced by specific communities, usually low-income communities and communities where people of color reside. More specifically, the article also addresses the ways in which disparate exposure also changes the risk of developing...Read more

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