News article

Without action on climate change, heat is projected to become major global killer

This article talks about several studies documenting the impacts we are going to face if we do not address extreme heat now. That said, projections show that, without any measures taken to address extreme heat, climate change will increase annual deaths by heat that are comparable to annual...Read more

Region’s electric grid operator is ready to meet summer demand

This article was interesting in that it provided a somewhat technical report on how prepared PJM is for the summer weather. PJM is the largest electricity grid in the U.S., providing service in thirteen states, include PA. It's also the transmission operator for PECO in Philadelphia -- and I...Read more

Renewable Energy Is Suddenly Startlingly Cheap

This article provides a great overview of the changes and transitions in energy that are being witnessed at the moment and that have made more than significant advances in the last three years. A non-profit, environmentalist agency (Carbon Tracker) has documented the steady decrease in prices...Read more

Renewables overtake coal, but natural gas still dominates U.S. power generation

Renewable energy is making its way as one of the dominant sources of energy production in the United States. Currently, it accounts for 20% of the U.S.' energy production and is only surpassed by gas-powered energy production, which accounts for 40% of energy production in the nation. Coal...Read more

Hundreds of thousands of people face utility shutoffs as pandemic surges

This article discusses the ending of the utility moratorium in Pennsylvania, which expired on November 9th, 2020. As of June, 800,000 customers were at risk of a utility shut-off post-moratorium, but that number is likely higher now. According to PUC's order, anyone whose household income...Read more

Central Pa. landowners relieved as PUC rejects controversial powerline project: ‘We fought hard’

In yet another decision in favor of utility users in Pennsylvania, the PUC voted against building a new pipeline that would have taken land away from 200 landowners, including farmers and business owners. The article brings forward several discussions that have made their way into discussions of...Read more

Op-ed: We have a final opportunity to respond to climate change. Will we take it?

Transitions call for monetary investments and fuel-use cutbacks to be made. This article calls on fast action to be taken just as fast as measures were taken when the COVID-19 pandemic began. The article also calls for rapid adaptive changes to be made for populations most at risk of negative...Read more

Power outages after Tropical Storm Isaias were a warning to utilities

This article is very interesting in that it details the impacts witnessed by New York City but it also talks about the revealed extant vulnerabilities that are going to be worsened by the storm and that is going to significantly increase exposure and risk of contagion for COVID-19. The article...Read more

Electricity Restoration Nearing Completion In New Jersey Almost Week After Tropical Storm Isaias Tore Through Region

PSE&G reports restoring power to 99.5% of its customers who had lost it because of the storm. However, still without power are Morris, Essex, Salem, and Bergen counties. Questions that arise are: why are these specific counties still left without power? Does it have to do with spatiality,...Read more

America’s Greenest Energy Giant Isn’t Trying to Save the Planet

NextEra a Floridian utility company that has recently moved to investing in solar, slightly surpassing Mobile Exxon (largely due to the company's gradual disinvestment in the renewable sector). Here, the article discusses the role NextEra plays into the renewable energy transitions, which has...Read more

The U.S. Will Need a Lot of Land for a Zero-Carbon Economy

In a reversal of Trump's anti-climate policies, Biden's administration has decided to re-instate net-zero emissions goals to 2030. The article brings to light how power generation, transportation, and manufacturing will need to implement radical changes in order to meet this goal, especially...Read more

As Philadelphia works to tackle climate change, a question emerges: Is PGW on board?

With attempts to electrify grids in a sustainable way, many oil and gas furnaces will inevitably be shut down by 2025. The foregoing is a threat for energy supplies for utilities such as PGW, among utilities that opposed updated and thorough building code implementation. The call to transition...Read more

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