News article

Could ConEd and PSEG Long Island be replaced?

Public Service Commission of New York is looking to revoke some utilities' licenses to operate. It had only done so once in the past. This comes from the Commission's belief utilities underestimated the storm Isaias and its potential impacts, threatening the lives of many. However, while Cuomo...Read more

In Pa., you can pick an electricity provider. Did the Texas storm make you rethink your choice?

This poll, published by NPR's State Impact Pennsylvania, is designed to see how many people in Pennsylvania have reconsidered their energy provider choice after the Texas grid failure. The article points to how, for some Texas customers who were on a variable rate plan, saw their electricity...Read more

America’s Greenest Energy Giant Isn’t Trying to Save the Planet

NextEra a Floridian utility company that has recently moved to investing in solar, slightly surpassing Mobile Exxon (largely due to the company's gradual disinvestment in the renewable sector). Here, the article discusses the role NextEra plays into the renewable energy transitions, which has...Read more

City of Seattle extends eviction and utility moratorium into January 2022

This article was recently published by the Seattle Pi, detailing an extension the city has placed on eviction moratoria. While the article doesn't specify whether utility moratoria was extended, it does say city officials recommend their constituents call utilities to arrange for...Read more

New York adds $52.5 million in community solar incentives for low-income residents

At the same time as the closure of one of the power plants producing net-zero carbon emissions, New York is planning to put aside $52 million to invest in solar energy. This investment, however, is targeted at low-income residents who are usually the ones left behind in energy transition...Read more

Power outages after Tropical Storm Isaias were a warning to utilities

This article is very interesting in that it details the impacts witnessed by New York City but it also talks about the revealed extant vulnerabilities that are going to be worsened by the storm and that is going to significantly increase exposure and risk of contagion for COVID-19. The article...Read more

NYC Is More Addicted To Fossil Fuels Than Ever. Now It May Make Solar Harder To Build.

This article discusses ways in which NYC has lost its potential for renewable energy production after their nuclear power plant shut down and the hydro-electric pipeline project was a flop. The city doesn't have the space to invest and create renewable energy plants. However, one option would be...Read more

Additional LIHEAP funding urged for struggling families as Senate considers more COVID-19 relief

Proponents are advocating for a new round of federal funding for LIHEAP on account of the economic downturn that the nation faces due to COVID-19. They state that around $4.3 billion of funding is needed to protect struggling consumers in the coming months when utility shut-off moratoria...Read more

Exxon Mobil has been lobbying against parts of Democrats’ big social and climate spending bill

Even though Democrats have called for increased taxes on the fossil fuel industry, fossil fuel giants pushed against the taxes on the grounds it makes the U.S. less competitive. Even the larger public is in favor of taxing the fossil fuel industry but do not know whether it is good to include a...Read more

Using cocoa husks to create power in Ghana

This artifact throws more light on a project led by the University of Nottingham aimed at creating energy from cocoa husks to enable Ghana achieve her target of universal electricity access by 2030.

With Ghana being the 2nd highest cocoa producing country in the world, the probability of...Read more

The U.S. Will Need a Lot of Land for a Zero-Carbon Economy

In a reversal of Trump's anti-climate policies, Biden's administration has decided to re-instate net-zero emissions goals to 2030. The article brings to light how power generation, transportation, and manufacturing will need to implement radical changes in order to meet this goal, especially...Read more

As End of Utility Shutoff Moratorium Nears, SNAP Fears Rush of Requests for Assistance

SNAP directors are urging those in crisis to apply right away whilst asking those who can cope to wait a little longer before applying. The question here is: is it ethical to ask anyone who needs help (regardless of critical or non-critical status) to wait to apply? Shouldn't it be the...Read more

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