This article peaked my interest after attending 4S and listening to a presentation on orphaned oil and gas wells on Dinehtah, the homeland of the Navajo tribe.
There are 3.2 million abandoned oil and gas wells across the United States which pose great environmental and health risks as...Read more
On August 10th, 2021 the U.S. Senate passed a bipartisan $1 trillion infrastructure bill which adds $500 Million for LIHEAP Over 5 Year, provides $3.5B for WAP, and creates Water Assistance Needs Study & 40 Pilot Projects. The WAP increase is a ten-fold increase in the...Read more
This article highlights the biggest environmental news coming from Philadelphia in the year 2021.
This article discusses what Philadelphia is expected to receive from the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill. The state of Pennsylvania is expected to receive roughly $11.3 billion in highway formula funding over the next five years alongside $1.6 billion for bridge replacement and repairs...Read more