
Touchberry - 5G as Infrastructure - 2020

A brief recount of the current phases of the stimulus bills past in most recent times and the prospect of a fourth stimulus package that might include support and funding for digital infrastructure (like broadband internet) and healthcare facilities, most needed during a pandemic of this scale...Read more

Linky: Do smart meters actually help reduce electricity consumption?

When I saw this article, it underscored how important it is to engage energy technology users in the design and decision-making process of energy initiatives, interventions and retrofit incentives. This is because, the success of these initiatives is contingent on how individuals react to them....Read more

The Mass. Legislature's Climate Bills Are Important. But They Wouldn't Do Enough For My Most Vulnerable Patients

By virtue of spatial designation, certain communities are more at risk of contracting COVID-19 and developing serious illness by it, this could vary from heat risk, climate risks, and other side effects from air pollution. The next pandemic could have worse effects, that will be worsened by d...Read more

Jessel et al. - Energy, Poverty, and Health - 2019

This literature review serves to provide an in-depth look at energy insecurity as it relates to health, in both their acute and chronic states. The artifact is particularly useful in its ability to track and make connections between the fast-changing nature of the environment, as affected by...Read more

After three decades, most polluted U.S. neighborhoods haven't changed

This article reflects on the disparate levels of air pollution faced by specific communities, usually low-income communities and communities where people of color reside. More specifically, the article also addresses the ways in which disparate exposure also changes the risk of developing...Read more


This research article by Adusah-Poku & Takeuchi (2019) explores the dynamics of energy poverty in Ghana using two national cross-sectional datasets. Energy poverty is defined as “the absence of sufficient choice in accessing adequate, affordable, reliable, high quality, safe,...Read more

As Indiana coal plants close, advocates say gas power should not replace them

There's movement to close all coal-powered plants, but environmentalist groups like Sierra Club are also mobilizing resources to halt plans for gas-powered energy plants. CenterPoint Energy, among one of the companies whose coal power plants are being shut down, said their focus will primarily...Read more

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