Aging grids are no longer able to keep up with the demand of people in the United States and heat. Couple with surging gas and power supply prices, energy security in the United States is threatened this summer. Generator sales have increased as households are worried about losing their...Read more
This is a short report on whether or not PJM is prepared for electricity demand in the winter. The article also talks about how well PJM did this summer with the energy demand. However, communities served by PJM anecdotally say PJM is actually...Read more
This article discusses the power crises occurring in the United States due to the overlapping slow disasters of climate change and COVID-19, revealing inadequacies in energy infrastructure (e.g. electrical grids, power plants) which are overwhelmed by energy demands in areas experiencing extreme...Read more
With Isaias reaping havoc in the Northeast, many would have expected utilities to better respond to the storm that caused thousands of households to be left without power. While Eversource representatives said their response was prompt and relative to the emergency level that had been declared,...Read more
This article caught my attention as soon as I read the title. I thought it was a bit bizzare because I have always heard everyone say " Do not waste electrcity" and here it says that households were paid to use electricty. Thousands of British homes were paid to use electricity during the day,...Read more
Maine calls for a publicly-owned utility, Maine Power Delivery Authority, given the unreliable service and high rates from other local utilities. However, there is a lot of uncertainty that surrounds the consumer-owned utility. The proposed amendment also institutes a task force to consider...Read more
This article was interesting in that it provided a somewhat technical report on how prepared PJM is for the summer weather. PJM is the largest electricity grid in the U.S., providing service in thirteen states, include PA. It's also the transmission operator for PECO in Philadelphia -- and I...Read more