
Berry et al. - Investigating Fuel Poverty - 2016

The attached document produces a detailed analysis of fuel poverty in the transport sector in France. What is particularly interesting about the study herein presented is the classification of the fuel poor into three subcategories. I believe it is through these subcategories that a more...Read more

A global view of how consumer behavior is changing amid COVID-19

This article by McKinsey & Company is useful in engaging insight for global consumer/demand. Much like we can see in Energy Fables consumer products and services are deeply connected with income, vulnerability, comfort, and capitalism. By engaging with this report, we see the change in...Read more

Targeting Energy Poor Consumers Report

Tbis research report funded by EU to study energy poverty in nine member countries. The report details the energy poverty definition, energy poverty diagnosis and causes and the measures taken to tackle energy poverty in each country. In the summary section, there is a comparative analysis as...Read more

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