Based on reactions from the COVID-19 survey, specifically the question regarding energy rights, I was curious to see what the discussion was around them, I was intrigued to find an organization I had never heard of the IREC (Interstate Renewable Energy Council) and their proposed Renewable...Read more
This article provides a very clear and specific overview of the pandemic's impact on communities, especially low-income, communities of color. In this article, writers of the DNRC discuss how, despite assistance specifically set aside for the pandemic, households continued to face evictions and...Read more
In talks of Energy Demand in the work, important conceptualizations of energy are with regards to its commodity status (Riniken et al., 2019:8). Relevant to our own articles and research, this...Read more
This pdf is a summary of a podcast series on energy rights. The podcast discusses the ways in which energy poverty, a condition where households are unable to meet their energy needs, negatively affects poor households' health and economic security. The podcast calls for energy reform that...Read more