Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, along with other Democrats, added a measure known as the Clean Electricity Payment Program (CEPP) to the Build Back Better Act, which makes payments to electricity companies that increase the amount of carbon-free energy they sell and penalizes...Read more
This article used the Texas power outages to dig into the debates over electrification. A key point this article -- and the recent outages -- make is that if we electrify everything we're putting ourselves at a huge risk, for the very reasons we saw in Texas: If the grid fails, massively,...Read more
This article summarizes the findings of a National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine report on decarbonization. The article (and report) argue that economic inequity may provide major problems for national energy transition. Interestingly, the article did not mention anything...Read more
This article published by the Sierra Club discusses the pro fossil fuel campaigns led by the natural gas industry which has led to a trend of energy preemption bills being drafted and signed into law in state legislatures across the country to discourage electrification and prohibit bans on...Read more
The school district of Philadelphia plans on being the first school district in Pennsylvania to add all-electric school busses to its fleet. For the 2021-2022 school year the district will acquire five electric busses with plans to convert up to 20% of its fleet by 2026. Removing one diesel bus...Read more
India is shinning globally as reports indicates the country to have promising results in terms of renewable energy market. However, in the midst of all this, one should not forget the core aim of the issue that needs to be solved and the main reason for initiating this forum - to achieve the...Read more