
Disconnected: How Household Water Shutoffs in the United States during the COVID pandemic Violate the Human Right to Water

This report is part of Northeastern Law's resources allocated in their Initiative for Energy Justice program page. In line with...Read more

Peco improperly shut off nearly 50,000 customers because of computer glitches

PECO, the Philadelphia electric utility company, has agreed to pay $75,000 in penalties under a proposed settlement with the Pennsylvania...Read more

Caught in a patchwork of policies and pledges, some utility customers may still be awaiting electricity restoration or racking up fees

This article reports on the state of disconnections across the United States in March 2020. One of the major points of the article is that, although many states have suspended utility shut-offs during the pandemic (sometimes for an unspecified length of time) there is little data on whether...Read more

Democrats unveil $30bn bill to cancel water debts and bail out utility firms

Jeff Merkley, a Democratic senator from Oregon, proposed a 30 billion dollar low-interest loans program for electric, water and sewage and broadband providers as part of the Maintaining Access to Essential Services During the Covid Emergency Act of 2021.The loans would allow...Read more

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