Climate Change

Power companies urge Biden to implement policies to cut emissions 80% by 2030

This article reports on a letter signed by thirteen electricity companies that urges the Biden administration to adopt clean energy standards. Specifically, they want to "ensure the electricity industry cuts carbon emissions 80% below 2005 levels by 2030." The letter did not mention Biden'...Read more

Power companies back EPA climate authority at Supreme Court

The Supreme Court is set to hear a pivotal case regarding the federal government's authority to reduce carbon emissions on February 28th, 2022. The case was launched by coal companies and Republican-led states that asked the justices to limit EPA’s options to regulate emissions under the...Read more

The role of European policy for improving power plant fuel efficiency

This article addresses the efficiency upgrades as well as transition to renewable sources. It states in the article that because of the transition they have been able to reduce their emissions by 6 million tons annually. This is an incredibly high amount this is partly because they are now...Read more

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