
Lessons from Europe, North America, and Asia: Financing Models that are Facilitating Building Energy Efficiency at Scale

The definitive objective of this report and the way it is written giving evidence of actual collaboration by the authors for the study are the two main reasons why I selected this as my artifact source. The report referred to the Paris Agreement at multiple instances. I have been hearing a lot...Read more

More national climate policies expected, but how effective are the existing ones?

In my personal opinion, Europe has always been a thought leader in terms of environmental concerns leading the way for the rest of the world. In my extensive travels across Europe, I have noticed a comparatively high level of awareness and consciousness for the environment from the common folks...Read more

Targeting Energy Poor Consumers Report

Tbis research report funded by EU to study energy poverty in nine member countries. The report details the energy poverty definition, energy poverty diagnosis and causes and the measures taken to tackle energy poverty in each country. In the summary section, there is a comparative analysis as...Read more

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