Question: What are your open-ended thoughts on the artifact?

This respondent works in maintenance, and takes steps to weatherize their own home such as caulking windows, putting up plastic on their windows, etc. but wasn't familiar with terms such as energy efficieny or energy conservation. The respondent also didn't know what renewable energy was, which is a reoccurring theme coming out of our interviews. This respondent hasn't been in a position where they've been unable to pay for their utility bills, so they weren't familiar assistance programs, and they weren't sure exactly how to deal with a situation if they had a shut off notice but not the means to pay for the bill to avoid shut off, reinforcing the theme of a lack of emergency prepardness among respondents. This respondent was without water for a few days due to a water main break, but wasn't severely impacted by it, and reported that they had good, polite dialogue with the water department when they called to resolve the issue. 

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