Placing Access to Energy Services within a Human Rights Framework

TitlePlacing Access to Energy Services within a Human Rights Framework
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsBradbrook, Adrian J., and Judith G. Gardam
JournalHuman Rights Quarterly
AbstractThe relevance of energy to resolving environmental degradation and poverty has only recently been recognized by the world community. While energy is a multifaceted issue, the issue that has attracted the most attention has been the need to provide universal access to modern energy services. Without access to energy services, people are destined to live in poverty. The provision of such services is a key ingredient to providing a sustainable way of living for all the world's population. This article first outlines the significance of access to energy services in the poverty debate. Secondly, this article considers what strategies have so far been adopted by states to confront this issue and the difficulties that such initiatives have encountered. Against this background, the final section makes the case for access to energy services as a human right and commences the task of providing a content for such a right.