PBPA Stepped Up in the Face of February’s Winter Storm

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Contributed date

May 31, 2021 - 1:32pm

Critical Commentary



Shepperd, Ben. 2021. “PBPA Stepped Up in the Face of February’s Winter Storm.” Permian Basin Oil and Gas Magazine (blog). May 20, 2021. https://pboilandgasmagazine.com/pbpa-stepped-up-in-the-face-of-februarys-winter-storm/.

Cite as

Ben Shepperd, "PBPA Stepped Up in the Face of February’s Winter Storm", contributed by James Adams, The Energy Rights Project, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 31 May 2021, accessed 3 July 2024. https://energyrights.info/content/pbpa-stepped-face-february’s-winter-storm