United States

Changing Energy Usage Trends in North America, Europe, and Asia

I have travelled extensively for both leisure and work across the continents of Asia, Europe and North America.  So, it has become a habit to compare habits, perspectives, lifestyles and all possible issues across the countries I have visited. This not only makes my trip exciting but also helps...Read more

Monthly U.S. energy-related CO2 emissions in April were the lowest in decades

This Energy Information Administration (EIA) report shows that monthly U.S. energy-related CO2 emissions were the lowest that they've been since 1973 in April 2020 due to travel restrictions and other measures implemented to reduce the spread of COVID19. From March to April 2020, CO2...Read more

H&M - Closing Doors to Open Savings

The case study attached is focused on the implementation of the Closed-Door Store Policy for the retailer H&M. As a fast-fashion retailer with sustainability goals, one major area of potential improvement revolved around energy savings at brick and mortar stores. In this case study,...Read more

COVID-19 Relief Emergency Rental Assistance Summary

In the second COVID-19 stimulus bill passed by Congress, there is no specific funding for LIHEAP, and funding for rental assistance and utility assistance are shared. This document details how funds will be used in the Emergency Rental Assistance Section of the stimulus. 

"Grantees shall...Read more

Big Plans to Save the Planet Depend on Nanoscopic Materials Improving Energy Storage

It starts with addressing the state of the world and acknowledging the needed change to avoid a problematic future. It then goes into the problem of energy distribution and storage. With the popular sources of renewable sources, wind and solar, there is no way to regulate the intake due to...Read more

A global view of how consumer behavior is changing amid COVID-19

This article by McKinsey & Company is useful in engaging insight for global consumer/demand. Much like we can see in Energy Fables consumer products and services are deeply connected with income, vulnerability, comfort, and capitalism. By engaging with this report, we see the change in...Read more


This policy document lays out practices for the preservation of cultural resources and artifacts. It was approved and certified by the United States Department of Energy (DOE) to support national legislation to preserve and protect historical and archeological sites related to Native...Read more

Groups call on DOE to draw a roadmap for TVA to shift to renewables

Deal with TVA is discriminatory as long as TVA has a generation portfolio skewed toward fossil fuels, the companies want to be freed from fossil fuel monopolies to pursue renewable energy.Read more

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