Energy Vulnerability


This document is PECO's notice for their proposed rate increase, which assumably was sent to their customers/posted on their website. Read more

Living without power: Health impacts of utility shutoffs in California

This report by TURN discusses all of the impacts created by the problematic policy of shutting utilities off for residential customers. Beyond a discussion on health impacts, the report also considers the already precarious conditions of the communities that experience the highest rates of...Read more


This artifact is a 'fact sheet' for the Philadelphia Water Rate Case for 2021, which was filed on January 15th 2021. It includes a table that shows the proposed monthly bill of consumers if the rate increase gets approved, and also provides rationale for the rate increase. Read more

Philadelphia Launches New, Income-Based, Tiered Assistance Program

On June 20th, 2017, the city of Philadelphia announced the Tiered Assistance Program (TAP) which provides customers with significant savings on their water bill by offering a consistent bill based on their income. Program highlights include:

•    Customers do not have to be...Read more

What COVID Taught Us About Reliable Energy & Healthy Homes

This artifact discusses the overlap between the COVID-19 crisis and the housing and utility affordability crisis. Avila begins by citing statistics for housing and utility debt accumulated during the pandemic, and articualtes how this debt and the housing and utility crisis as a whole mirrors...Read more

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