Energy Vulnerability

PECO has millions available to help with energy bills, but says few eligible customers are applying for assistance

PECO received $270 million in federal and state funding through the Emergency Rental Assistance Program, money that can be used to help people who can't pay their bills due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Only a limited number of customers have enrolled, and to date only $500,000 of that money...Read more

Energy Services

An important claim to think about as inherently related to our own project is the idea of energy services depending on more than just energy (Riniken et al., 2019:20). We can think of the energy...Read more

Living without power: Health impacts of utility shutoffs in California

This report by TURN discusses all of the impacts created by the problematic policy of shutting utilities off for residential customers. Beyond a discussion on health impacts, the report also considers the already precarious conditions of the communities that experience the highest rates of...Read more


Through the analysis of responses to the Energy Vulnerability Lab's 2020 Energy Vulnerability Survey COVID-19 response we have the capability to analyze perspectives of 74 respondents to a survey regarding their capability to access energy resources during the global pandemic. This survey covers...Read more


This document is PECO's notice for their proposed rate increase, which assumably was sent to their customers/posted on their website. Read more

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