energy transition

Energy Services

An important claim to think about as inherently related to our own project is the idea of energy services depending on more than just energy (Riniken et al., 2019:20). We can think of the energy...Read more

Able to power 50,000 homes, the ‘world’s largest floating wind farm’ takes another step forward

It is hopeful to see windfarms continued to be built and used for renewable energy. There are a lot of turbines that be installed in deeper water and, essentially, gives better opportunity to build both wind and hydro powered-turbine.Read more

A Lawsuit Challenges the Tennessee Valley Authority’s New Program of ‘Never-Ending’ Contracts

This article talks about the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) locking 142 of 151 utilities into never-ending contracts, with stipulations to back out of their contracts with 20-year notices. This would essentially prevent many utilities from changing their contracts and power sources to...Read more

Op-ed: We have a final opportunity to respond to climate change. Will we take it?

Transitions call for monetary investments and fuel-use cutbacks to be made. This article calls on fast action to be taken just as fast as measures were taken when the COVID-19 pandemic began. The article also calls for rapid adaptive changes to be made for populations most at risk of negative...Read more

Renewable Energy Is Suddenly Startlingly Cheap

This article provides a great overview of the changes and transitions in energy that are being witnessed at the moment and that have made more than significant advances in the last three years. A non-profit, environmentalist agency (Carbon Tracker) has documented the steady decrease in prices...Read more

The Energy Transition: Democracy, Justice and Good Regulation of the Heat Market

This paper is certainly a loaded one; published just two months ago, it discusses the different sociocultural aspects inherent within the so-called "energy transition", or the shift of the traditional "fossil-fuel burning centralized plants" model towards deregulation and renewable energy,...Read more

What Biden executive orders could mean for the energy sector

This order discusses the, so-labeled, aggressive climate policies Biden plans to implement once he ascends to the Presidency. That said, discussions of executive orders to be implemented include orders to reduce fossil fuel production (with heavy taxation on gas and oil extractors, producers,...Read more

As Indiana coal plants close, advocates say gas power should not replace them

There's movement to close all coal-powered plants, but environmentalist groups like Sierra Club are also mobilizing resources to halt plans for gas-powered energy plants. CenterPoint Energy, among one of the companies whose coal power plants are being shut down, said their focus will primarily...Read more

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