
Vulnerable Census Tracts

Map showing the most vulnerable Census Tracts in the area of Los Angeles, i.e. the areas most vulnerable to heat.Read more

Boiling Point - LA Times

The newsletter here shown is part of several publications on the ways in which heat exacerbates health conditions or leads to their onset. That said, this specific newsletter exemplifies considerations of the way extreme heat can worsen death by heatstroke, and other heat-related deaths, as many...Read more

100% Clean and Renewable Wind, Water, and Sunlight All-Sector Energy Roadmaps for 139 Countries of the World

This article caught my attention because after all the reading I have done recently on this topic, I am looking for solutions, primarily for a ‘feel good’ factor. Else the complexity of this global  crisis of energy vulnerability is overwhelming me.  I do understand that this is an optimistic...Read more

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